CraftIDs are elegant, enlightening, and easy. But, there are and always will be alternative ways to sign your work. We believe that a CraftID is much more than just your signature. Your CraftID is your chance to truly immortalize your art work, your skills, your passions. And if you are selling your work a CraftID leverages your existing body of work as a perpetual advertising and marketing channel far better than any alternatives.
Average cost per signature: $0.01 or more
Effort to prepare for signing: Minimal
Time to sign one piece: One Minute or more
Might be perceived as: Novice or Professional
Average cost per signature: $3.50 or more
Effort to prepare for signing: Moderate
Time to sign one piece: Five Minutes or more
Might be perceived as: Professional
Average cost per signature: $2.00+ each at 25
Effort to prepare for signing: Moderate
Time to sign one piece: Fifteen Minutes or more
Might be perceived as: Novice or Professional
Average cost per piece: $0.01 or more
Effort to prepare for signing: Minimal
Time to sign one piece: One Minute or less
Might be perceived as: Novice or Cheap
Average cost per signature: $0.01 or more
Effort to prepare for signing: Minimal
Time to sign one piece: One Minute or less
Might be perceived as: Novice or Production
Average cost per signature: $2.00 or more
Effort to prepare for signing: Moderate
Time to sign one piece: Five Minutes or more
Might be perceived as: Professional