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Tuesday, 15 March 2011 17:15

Sign Your Work

Did you sign it? You may not be concerned about remembrance or recognition. But many times your work is of great emotional, sentimental and artistic value to the recipient. Will they remember who made it without your signature?

A first question for artisans, whether you create pieces as gifts to family and friends, to donate to charities, or for sale is whether to sign your work.  Let's be clear here - you should always sign your work.

Your signature is important to the buyer! Remember the buyer may not be the ultimate recipient. Any signature is better than none.  A CraftID can be better still.

The addition of a date and signature on the piece will always add value by reminding the owner of it's history, of the artisan, and of the circumstances or events that the piece celebrates. As an artisan consider signing and dating all of your work.  The buyers and recipients will always be richer for it and have an easier time remembering you and the occasion every time they pick up your artwork.

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