CraftID Signature Medallion
Your custom CraftID signature medallion might begin with the words "Hand Crafted by" with your name following. We have at least five standard designs at present for these minimal signatures. For more sophistication add your website address, company name, phone number. You decide what information you want and need. It is your work you want people to remember. It is your pieces you want to sell. The better your signature, the more people will remember you whether your CraftIDs are used on pieces you give to friends or relative or pieces you sell to enthusiastic buyers and collectors. Your information can be as many characters as can legibly fit on the CraftID. The larger the CraftID the more information can be included. Our smallest 0.5” diameter CraftIDs are good for small logo images, but not so much for text except in limited circumstances. A broad range of fonts are available for your name and information. Design your own custom CraftID today and everything you sign with a CraftID will be more memorable.
![]() OPTION: CraftID Finish $10.00
| ![]() OPTION: CraftID QR Codes $25.00
| ![]() OPTION: CraftID Custom Image $10.00